Project management

Through Project Management, we facilitate the completion of the assigned
project cost effectively and time bounded. We have a team of specialized
and experienced personnel to ensure the Project will be within the Budget.


Leave the process to the professionals

Our Project Management Team acts as a bridge between the Architects and the clients so as to make sure that there is regular and proper communication between all the related parties and hence avoiding the lack of information. A proper communication helps to avoid ‘Scope Creep’.

Our PM team  specialised in material procurement so that our clients can avail the specified material on-site cost effectively. We segment the cost unit and assign jobs to the specialised sub-contractors or arrange skilled labours and manage all of them. Due to this decentralisation and one-point management, it helps to reduce up to 25% to 30 % cost. We schedule to work on a deadline that maximises overall project efficiency and hence finish on time and within the Budget.

Our Project management is specialized in forecasting potential risks or uncertainties and have alternative plans that the team may adopt if required. We shoulder the accountability of a project and do track the procedures, developments and do a regular inspections to find out if there is any deviation from the standards we set up initially.

We provide technical support and guidance from the planning stage to completion and we are pledged to provide lifelong services.